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You and every other SDR manager in the world have one thing in common – you’re hiring.

How it works

At any given time there are more than 300,000 SDR and BDR job postings on popular job boards. The question is – even if you’re able to dig through a pile of resumes and hire the right candidate, are you prepared to train them and give them the tools they need to be successful?

Thankfully, Alleyoop is here to provide you with highly trained and qualified SDRs as well as the materials and tools needed for those SDRs to be successful for your company. Let’s break it down:

We give you a team & a playbook

Our players are ready to make a difference on your team. And our coaching staff has playbooks they’ve been dying to share. 

Utilize the industry’s first demand generation channel partner. After more than 10 years of operating and evolving in the industry, we have what it takes to scale your success. We’ve done this countless times for well-known brands through tightly executed playbooks, expert guidance, and a world-class database.

Get in front of decision-makers

With so many players all vying for the time and attention of the same prospects, it’s extremely difficult to get noticed. Relying solely on your internal team is risky. You need a specialized partner to produce desirable outcomes in a fast, cost-effective, consistent, and scalable manner.

Database design

Accounts and contacts in your ideal customer profile with full contact information

Account segmentation and campaign assignments

Accounts and contacts will be inserted into relevant campaigns for engagement

Outbound messaging

Each segment and persona will receive custom-tailored communication relevant to their vertical and their role.

Playbook, scripting, and objections handling guide

We will create a white-labeled team trained on a customized sales playbook to engage the audience and convert conversations into meetings.

Program activity levels

Phone, email. LinkedIn, video, direct mail, demo scheduling, reminders.

Components of each play:

We leverage content and thought leadership assets throughout the process. We monitor results and optimize program design on an ongoing basis.

We’re a teammate that realizes the high stakes

Ditch the “outsource” stereotype, you won’t find that here. We’ve spent 10 years in the industry and have seen it wait for no one. We are pioneers, innovators, and experts in sales.

Here are some stats:

All of our SDRs are held accountable to our minimum SDR standards.

We don't take the challenge lightly

From startup to Fortune 500, we’ve helped companies rise above the noise and get a seat at the table with their ideal prospects by providing the industry’s first demand generation channel. We operate as a cost-effective extension of your team.

A thoughtful and thorough approach

You need to expand your current capacity by leveraging packaged expertise, experience, and economies of scale. Rest assured that everything we do, we do in the best interest of your brand standards and keep the human connection often lost in SaaS sales.

Enlist our conscientious team to work exclusively on your project and your project only.

Ready to win?

We have the players, the coaches, and the playbooks you need to get your Sales Development team into the playoffs.

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