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Jose Ojeda is one of the incredible SDRs here at Alleyoop. What makes Jose’s job a little different than many SDRs is that he focuses primarily on inbound leads. So when Q4 comes around, Jose isn’t worried about making calls and having a low connect rate, he’s worried about a low number of inbound leads to work with. Below and in the included video we will see how he shifts his focus to emails, execution, and personalization in order to win over prospects who may have fallen off the radar. 

Low Connect Rates

The fourth quarter is notorious for low connect rates. Between end-of-year meetings, vacation time, and holiday parties, your prospects are almost impossible to reach. As an inbound SDR, even if someone has taken the time to fill out a form expressing interest, they might still be hard to get on the phone. Don’t let these low connect rates be an excuse for you to not hit your numbers at the end of the year! Find new ways to optimize your time in Q4 to set yourself up for success in the new year.

Nurture and Follow Up

A way Jose often does this is by nurturing the people he has on his lists that haven’t made it all the way to meeting yet for some reason. Read through your notes about previous conversations you’ve had with them and reach back out! The truth is, these people might not be ready to have that meeting yet. That’s okay! The purpose of nurturing leads at this time of year is to keep that relationship going. When they come back into the office after the holidays and you give them a call, you want to be at the front of their mind.


When it comes to personalization it is all about letting the prospect know that you have taken the time to learn something about them. As the year is coming to an end and people’s calendars are full, this extra little bit might be all it takes for a prospect to take notice and agree to a meeting. You’re already following up with them and showing them that they are a priority to you during this busy time of year, a little extra personalization will make sure they are looking forward to speaking with you when they eventually do accept that meeting.


Especially at this time of year, it’s important to remember that being an SDR is as much about forging good relationships as it is about setting meetings! Do what you can to get your meetings set during Q4 but don’t forget that a successful day can also include simply keeping in touch with your prospects, wishing them well, and answering any questions they may have.

Post Written By:

Becca Fields-Poniskaitis
Head of Marketing

Video Script Written & Recorded By:

Jose Ojeda
Sales Development Representative